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What Our Members Have to Say
Pat and I love Bluffers Park Marina. The staff is friendly and courteous. It gives us piece of mind that your security system works. Looking forward to this fishing season. Thank you Michelle, Kelly, and Staff.
We wanted to let you know that we enjoyed our stay at Bluffers Park Marina last summer and to complement your staff, Michelle, Kelly, Lexy, Jenna and Jaime for being professional, courteous, knowledgeable and helpful to our wants and needs.
It made our stay memorable, pleasant and hassle free. We are looking forward to another fishing holiday at the Marina this summer.
The company is great! Having experienced Marina's + Marina services all over the world due to my racing career, I can easily comment that Bluffers Park Marina is one of the finest run marines I've had the privilege of being at. All experiences have been great from the admin staff and technicians.
Office staff is great and very accommodating. Yard staff excellent with haul out and launch.
I feel you are a warm welcoming Marina who's staff is very approachable and welcoming. I keep coming back because of your dock security, fellow fisherman, boaters and your secured gates to park and very scenic Marina with beautiful wildlife.
Overall the staff at Bluffers Park Marina is always helpful with any request made. The staff has always been pleasant to myself and my friends. I appreciate their cleanliness of your washrooms, docks and the marina as a whole.